Saturday 14 October 2017

Four short links: 13 October 2017

Deep Learned Faces, $900 Selfie Camera, MSFT+AMZN AI, Rich Text Editor

  1. Generating Faces with Deconvolution Networks -- scroll down and watch the videos even if you don't read the text on how it was done. The "illegal" face section is hypnotic, particularly the randomly changing parameters ... it's like the subject is struggling to be a face. (via Matt Webb)
  2. Casio Is Selling $900 Selfie Cameras in China -- “We think that we can still be competitive in the digital camera market if we can make the purpose of the camera clear,” Niida says. “We don’t sell cameras with interchangeable lenses, so we haven’t been trying to sell cameras to people who are really into taking photos as a hobby. Rather than that, we want to focus on people who want to take beautiful photos more easily and who want to keep their memories.” Buried in there: The TR series is the result of aggressive focus on Casio’s part. It’s aimed at a particular demographic: young women in the Chinese-speaking world, and as such the facial recognition software is tuned specifically toward them. Yes, white guys, this isn't for you.
  3. Gluon -- Microsoft and Amazon join forces on an AI library, hoping to unseat (or at least rival) Google's tools.
  4. Trix -- A Rich Text Editor for Everyday Writing.

Continue reading Four short links: 13 October 2017.

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