Tuesday 24 October 2017

Android-x86 7.1-rc2 Now Supports NVMe SSDs, Better QEMU VirGL

The Android-x86 project derived from Google's Android Open-Source Project code-base remains officially at Android 6.0, but there is an Android 7.1 "Nougat" build available for testing.

Quietly released earlier this month was a second release candidate based on Android 7.1. The Android-x86 7.1-RC2 release is based on upstream AOSP 7.1-RC2 / Nougat-MR2 along with some extra improvements for this x86-targeted build.

Further improvements with Android-x86 7.1-rc2 are SDCardFS support, SwiftShader as a new software renderer for systems lacking GPU acceleration, better QEMU VirGL support for 3D acceleration in guest VMs, support for NVMe solid-state storage devices, Mesa 17.1.10 support, improved native bridge support, and is updated to the Linux 4.9.54 kernel.

More details on this new Android-x86 7 "Nougat" test release via


. Sadly, no indications of an Android-x86 8 "Oreo" release coming any sooner with these x86-focused builds continuing to lag further behind against upstream AOSP.

Read the full article here by Phoronix

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