Friday 27 February 2015

Inspired by Linux, Pivotal to open-source bulk of big data suite

Pivotal will make the majority of its big data suite open source, drawing inspiration from the Linux concept.

The decision will see “core” code for HAWQ, Greenplum Database and Pivotal GemFire released to anyone who cares to footle with it, but plenty of the footling looks like it will be done by a new group calling itself the Open Data Platform (ODP).

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20 years a developer, Jade Raymond weighs her next step

How much does this game cost? Depends on the temperature

Finally, a game where the pricing structure is as clever as its mechanics. A Good Snowman is Hard to Build is an adorable puzzle game about a monster trying to make snowmen, from established puzzle-game designer Alan Hazelden, co-creator Benjamin Dav...

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Dress Color

Thursday 26 February 2015

Four short links: 26 February 2015

awesomplete — MIT-licensed ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies in Javascript. How to Seize the Opportunities when Megatrends Collide — excuse the cheesy title, the chart from PwC showing pairwise combination of trends, is interesting. Adopting Microservices at …

Read the full article here by O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies

Pingendo interfaccia grafica di Bootstrap 3

Vi presentiamo Pingendo, software open source che punta a fornire un'interfaccia grafica al famoso Bootstrap 3

Negli ultimi anni abbiamo visto approdare molto ed utili progetti dedicati alla creazione di pagine web attraverso una semplice ed intuitiva interfaccia grafica. Un gruppo di sviluppatori ha deciso di avviare il nuovo progetto Pingendo, framework front-end multi-piattaforma dedicato allo sviluppo di pagine web in grado di fornire un'interfaccia grafica a Bootstrap.

Pingendo è un software che ci consente di creare facilmente un interfacce / pagine Web, template HTML temi per Wordpress e altri CMS il tutto operando da un'interfaccia grafica con diversi strumenti dedicati.

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Leadwerks 3.4 adds new vehicle and water features

Leadwerks 3.4 adds new vehicle and water features

The latest version of the Leadwerks game engine has gone live on Steam.

Update 3.4 includes a new vehicle command set for building interactive cars with a physically realistic transmission model, as well as built-in water settings in the editor. The free trial version is now also available for use on Linux.

More than one hundred other small fixes and improvements have been implemented as part of the update.

To mark the release, Leadwerks is to make the indie and standard editions of the game engine available at a 66 per cent discount on Steam.

Read the full article here by Develop Feed

Google Calendar for Android lets you link files to events

Want to make sure everyone at your next shindig has a copy of the itinerary? You'll probably want to snag the updated version of Google Calendar for Android, then. The refreshed app lets you associate Google Drive files with events -- you don't have ...

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Create Scalable and Responsive Sites with Kickoff

Kickoff is a lightweight front-end framework for creating scalable, responsive sites. As front-end developers, the type of project we work on is becoming more and more diverse. Kickoff aims to help keep a consistent structure and style across all of your projects, without adding the bloat that other frameworks can lead to. Kickoff tries to [...]

The post Create Scalable and Responsive Sites with Kickoff appeared first on WebAppers.


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

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Four short links: 23 February 2015

MIT Scientists and the Self-Assembling Chair (Wired) — using turbulence to randomise interactions, and pieces that connect when the random motions align. From the Self-Assembly Lab at MIT. Calaos — a free software project (GPLv3) that lets you control and …

Read the full article here by O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Four short links: 24 February 2015

Wiki New Zealand — open data site, and check out the chart builder behind the scenes for importing the data. It’s magic. stenographer (Google) — open source packet dumper for capturing data during intrusions. Which GPU for Deep Learning? — …

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Netflix is bringing back 'Inspector Gadget' and 'Danger Mouse'

Netflix isn't slowing down its efforts to win your kids' attention... if anything, it's ramping things up. The streaming service just unveiled five child-friendly shows that will arrive over the course of the next year. The first is a big one -- Netf...

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Why Innovation Must Go Beyond Disruption

Why Innovation Must Go Beyond Disruption

Henry Ford famously quipped that if he’d asked what people wanted, they’d have said, “faster horses.” There are countless numbers of ideas being funded every day that are aimed at essentially building faster horses. The result is that we have available an enormous embarrassment of riches in technology, information and economy – but how many […]

The post Why Innovation Must Go Beyond Disruption appeared first on WIRED.

Read the full article here by WIRED

Four short links: 25 February 2015

Remotely Bricking Cars (BoingBoing) — story from 2010 where an intruder illegally accessed Texas Auto Center’s Web-based remote vehicle immobilization system and one by one began turning off their customers’ cars throughout the city. Beginning to Map the Human Epigenome …

Read the full article here by O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies

Online animation service Mixamo 2 goes live next month

Online animation service Mixamo 2 goes live next month

Mixamo will be releasing the second full version of its online animation service next month.

New features in Mixamo 2 include a streamlined workflow that enables users to access animation editing features in more screens, including the search results page, and a faster, more accurate search function.

Also included will be a WebGL Viewer, developed in collaboration with Verold, which it claims will make browsing characters and animations ten times faster, and 20 new animation packs. Users will also now be able to download multiple animations at once.

“Overall, people are using Mixamo because it's ten times faster to get your characters animated in a game. We realised one of the biggest values was speed,” Mixamo CEO Stefano Corazza told Develop.

“We felt we were not fully delivering on that and we wanted Mixamo to be a lot faster and easier to use. So we focused on the user experience.

“We were also losing people at the beginning because they had to install a plugin, so we wanted to just make the whole experience as good and as fast as possible. That was the main driver behind all the changes we have made.”

For more details, you can watch a video introducing Mixamo 2 below.

Read the full article here by Develop Feed

Superhot team receives another $250K in funding

DuckTales cartoon returns in 2017, might solve a mystery or rewrite history

Google mixes business with pleasure, launches Flights shopping service

Attractive map interface helps clueless travelers find an ideal destination, too.

Read the full article here by Ars Technica

Building a Procedural Dungeon Generator In C#

Nerval's Lobster writes Procedural dungeon generation is a fun exercise for programmers. Despite the crude interface, such games continue to spark interest. A quarter century ago, David Bolton wrote a dungeon generator in procedural Pascal; now he's taken that old code and converted it to C#. It's amazing just how fast it runs on a five-year-old i7 950 PC with 16GB of RAM. If you want to follow along, you can find his code for the project on SourceForge. The first part of the program generates the rooms in a multilevel dungeon. Each level is based on a 150 x 150 grid and can have up to 40 rooms. Rather than just render boring old rectangular rooms, there are also circular rooms. "There are a couple of places where corridor placement could have been optimized better," Bolton wrote about his experiment. "However, the dungeon generation is still very fast, and could provide a good programming example for anyone exploring what C# can do." For C# beginners, this could represent a solid exercise.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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Tuesday 24 February 2015

DeLorean phone case

Transform your iPhone 6 into something that looks like the DeLorean Time Machine from Back to the..(Read...)

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Four short links: 18 February 2015

Systematising Sales with Software and Processes — sweet use of Slack as UI for sales tools. Duplicate SSH Keys Everywhere — It looks like all devices with the fingerprint are Dropbear SSH instances that have been deployed by Telefonica de …

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Sunday 22 February 2015

Four short links: 20 February 2015

The Distributed Robotic Garden (MIT) — We consider plants, pots, and robots to be systems with different levels of mobility, sensing, actuation, and autonomy. (via Robohub) CogniToys Leverages Watson’s Brain to Befriend, Teach Your Kids (IEEE) — Through the dino, …

Read the full article here by O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies

A video game for the socially anxious

Italian developers Sebastiano Morando and Francesco Lanciai didn't set out to make a game about social anxiety disorder when they created Sym. That idea spawned from the drawing of a character, a black figure with one eye disintegrating into a stark ...

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Node.js fork JXcore goes open source, aims for mobile developers

With all the noise surrounding the Io.js variant of Node.js, it's easy to forget about another Node fork that's been quietly percolating: JXcore. Last year it added multithreading (sort of) and the ability to turn Node apps into stand-alone executables -- but at the cost of JXcore being a closed source project.

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Friday 20 February 2015

Microsoft integrerà asm.js su Internet Explorer e Spartan

La corporation di Redmond ha annunciato l’intenzione di implementare asm.js sulle future versioni dell’engine JavaScript Chakra, fatto che implica la disponibilità della tecnologia sui browser Microsoft che saranno parte integrante di Windows 10.

La libreria asm.js include un sotto-set delle funzioni di JavaScript, e permette di migliorare sensibilmente le performance delle applicazioni Web con la compilazione in JavaScript di codice scritto con linguaggi nativi come C.

Con asm.js è possibile raggiungere prestazioni Web quasi paragonabili al software nativo, sostiene Microsoft; una volta integrata in Chakra, la funzionalità sarà disponibile sia su Internet Explorer che su Spartan, il browser …

The post Microsoft integrerà asm.js su Internet Explorer e Spartan appeared first on Edit.

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Thursday 19 February 2015

Arm Buys IoT Security Firm | EE Times

ARM acquired Offspark, a Netherlands-based supplier of Transport Layer Security, that will get folded into its mbed operating system for its Cortex-M cores. ARM aims to make mbed, announced in October , a unifying code base for the fragmented Internet of Things where security is an increasingly key concern.

Read the full article here by Cryptography News


Wednesday 18 February 2015

Career Spotlight: What I Do as a LEGO Model Designer

How would you like to play with LEGO all day? To children and adults alike, a pile of LEGO offers such possibilities—whole worlds and inhabitants in that familiar tableau of right-angles and vibrant mismatched colors. And then some people take their LEGO a little more seriously.


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Tuesday 17 February 2015

A Toy Dinosaur Powered by IBM’s Watson Supercomputer

A Toy Dinosaur Powered by IBM’s Watson Supercomputer

Behind CogniToys’ plastic dinosaur exterior lies a machine learning system based on Watson, the cognitive technology IBM once used in a supercomputer to beat humans at Jeopardy.

The post A Toy Dinosaur Powered by IBM’s Watson Supercomputer appeared first on WIRED.

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