Monday 30 June 2014

CoreOS Unveils Linux Containers As A Service

CoreOS is considered by some observers to be a fork of Google's Chrome OS system, customized for Linux server management. The system is so small because container workloads contain part of the Linux operating system themselves, the user-space parts needed by the application. But all kernel functions, such as scheduling processes and memory management, are the function of the host system and shared by whatever number of containers is running on the host. Containers also leave each workload isolated from the others in a manner that's sometimes described as "lightweight virtualization."

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from Tux Machines


Four short links: 30 June 2014

Interacting with a World of Connected Objects (Tom Coates) — notes from one of my favourite Foo Camp sessions. Security Considerations with Continuous Deployment (IBM) — rundown of categories of security issues your org might face, and how to tackle …

from O'Reilly Radar - Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies


A Highly Modular Framework for JavaScript Apps

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Ampersand.js is a highly modular, loosely coupled, non-frameworky framework for building advanced JavaScript apps. It’s a well-defined approach to combining a series of intentionally tiny modules. Everything is a CommonJS module. No AMD, UMD, or bundling of any kind is included by default. The clarity, simplicity, and flexibility of CommonJS just won. Clear dependencies, no [...]

The post A Highly Modular Framework for JavaScript Apps appeared first on WebAppers.


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

from WebAppers


freeOTP — an open source solution for authentication soft tokens

Fedora Magazine: freeOTP is a soft token authenticator that can be used for two-factor authentication,



Sunday 29 June 2014

Future cars may give themselves dimples to reduce drag

Golf balls are dimpled for a reason -- they sail through the air just slowly enough that the uneven surface reduces drag, helping them fly further than they might otherwise. Wouldn't it be nice if your car could get that kind of aerodynamic boost? It...

from Engadget RSS Feed


Appmethod For C++ Android Apps

New "complimentary subscription plan" for free Android phone targeting

from Dr. Dobb's All


Tom's Hardware: Microsoft Smartband Coming In October With 11 Sensors

New submitter TuxHiggs (2691251) writes "Last month, Forbes wrote that Microsoft was preparing a cross-platform smartwatch with the ability to continuously track your heart rate and sync the data to your devices. A trusted source with knowledge of the development has verified some of that information and provided Tom's Hardware with additional details about the device. The source confirmed previous rumors that the device is cross-platform compatible, and added there would be open APIs as well. The source also confirmed that the display is on the inside of the wrist as opposed to the outside. Design-wise, Microsoft has gone with a slim band design that is said to resemble a thinner, flatter version of the Nike Fuelband. While details about the hardware are scant, the source did reveal that there are 11 sensors under the hood and a mix of chips, including some from TI and Atmel. Finally, the release for this device is apparently set for October."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

from Slashdot


Pley Is like Netflix for LEGO

Pley Is like Netflix for LEGO

LEGO bricks have a variety of great uses for kids of all ages. For many of us though, the real fun is the challenge of the build rather than owning of the finished project. Pley bridges the gap by letting you rent LEGO sets for a monthly subscription fee.


from Lifehacker


Saturday 28 June 2014

New addon for cross-platform game publication


Mitchell Stokes is working on an add-on to facilitate cross-platform publication of games, and more. One of the common complaints with the Blender Game Engine is with publishing games. While there are many issues related to publishing with the BGE, one issue is the lack of a simple, user-friendly way to publish to multiple platforms. [...]

from BlenderNation


Le proposte di Gian Carlo Minardi per dare nuovo slancio alla F1

28 giugno 2014 – Dalle colonne del sito della Minardi, l’ex costruttore faentino ha focalizzato i punti critici dell’odierna Formula 1, cercando di proporre delle alternative che potrebbero aiutare la massima formula a ritrovare quell’indice di gradimento che sembra essersi



Google Releases Cayley Open-Source Graph Database

Google has been using, improving and boosting its Knowledge Graph search services for several years to show users how information can be linked together in graphics form to help find desired results. Now it is again pushing forward in the graph database world through the open-source release of Cayley, which will be used in the continuing development of graph databases.

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from Tux Machines


Friday 27 June 2014

Gran Turismo 6 will get an update 'almost' every month, not DLC

from Polygon - All


Visualizing Algorithms

An anonymous reader writes "Many people reading this site probably have a functional understanding of how algorithms work. But whether you know algorithms down to highly mathematical abstractions or simple as a fuzzy series of steps that transform input into output, it can be helpful to visualize what's going on under the hood. That's what Mike Bostock has done in a new article. He walks through algorithms for sampling, shuffling, and maze generation, using beautiful and fascinating visualizations to show how each algorithm works and how it differs from other options. He says, "I find watching algorithms endlessly fascinating, even mesmerizing. Particularly so when randomness is involved. ... Being able to see what your code is doing can boost productivity. Visualization does not supplant the need for tests, but tests are useful primarily for detecting failure and not explaining it. Visualization can also discover unexpected behavior in your implementation, even when the output looks correct. ...Even if you just want to learn for yourself, visualization can be a great way to gain deep understanding. Teaching is one of the most effective ways of learning, and implementing a visualization is like teaching yourself."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

from Slashdot


How do you start drawing a human (or creature)?



Thursday 26 June 2014

BusyBox crams 117 Unix tools into a tiny Windows executable

Unix is renowned for its powerful command line tools, and there are many ways you can try at least some of them on the PC. Installing Gnu on Windows gets you 100+ of the best known tools, recompiled to run under Windows, while favorites like grep have been ported individually. But if you’re looking for simplicity and convenience, it’s hard to beat BusyBox, which crams tiny versions of 117 Unix utilities into a single 645 KB executable. There’s no bulk, no complex folder structure, just one package which provides everything you need. You don’t need any Unix/ Linux knowledge to… [Continue Reading]

from BetaNews


NodeBB, un forum engine con Node.js e Redis

NodeBB è un’interessante proposta rilasciata sotto GNU General Public License v3 per la realizzazione di bulletin boards utilizzando alcune delle tecnologie più innovative tra quelle attualmente a disposizione degli sviluppatori; si tratta infatti di un forum engine basato sulla piattaforma event-driven Node.js e sul key-value in-memory data store Redis.

L’applicazione sfrutta i Web sockets di HTML5, cioè le interfacce di programmazione concepite per consentire ai browser e ai server di comunicare in modalità asincrona e senza la necessità di un intervento diretto da parte dell’utente, per l’interazione istantanea e la gestione delle notifiche in tempo reale; nato per …

The post NodeBB, un forum engine con Node.js e Redis appeared first on Edit.

from Edit


LG partners with Google's Project Tango to make consumer product next year

Google's Advanced Technology and Projects division has been hard at work on its 3D-mapping project, known as Tango, since early 2013. In this time, we've seen the team rapidly progress its efforts by introducing a smartphone and tablet specifically...

from Engadget RSS Feed


Valiant Hearts: The Great War gameplay video - The first 15 minutes

from Polygon - All


Future Unfolding – Procedurally generated world, both beautiful and dangerous

01_evade copyFuture Unfolding is a new game by Berlin based game studio Spaces of Play. It is a role playing game where each play-through allows you to experience a new and different layout and find your own way to the goal.

from CreativeApplications.Net