Saturday 31 October 2015

Blend4Web 15.10 adds new logic nodes, better anti-aliasing and more

We are proud to announce a new release of Blend4Web, an open source framework for creating interactive 3D web content. In this release you'll find: new features in the project manager, new logic nodes, improved anti-aliasing and support for textures of any size. How the new Play Sound node works is demonstrated in this musical [...]

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Neo4j Launches Open Source Graph Query Language openCypher

Neo4j graph NoSQL database team launches open source graph query language called openCypher. Neo Technology, the company behind the graph database, announced last week at GraphConnect Conference, the launch of the open source project that will be available to technology providers as a common language for querying graph data.

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Google's 'Who's Down' app is here because no one replies to your texts

Never let it be said that Google doesn't like throw weird ideas at the wall and see what sticks. Take the quietly-released "Who's Down" Android app that just hit the Google Play store, for example. It's an invite-only app that simply shows you whether you're "down" to hang out -- presumably, once you have confirmed that you are indeed "down," your friends nearby will see that status and include you in whatever wonderful activities they have planned.

Via: 9to5Google

Source: Google Play Store

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Thursday 29 October 2015

Google's CPUFreq "Interactive" Governor Looks To Go Mainline

A set of 70 kernel patches published today implement an "interactive" governor for the CPUFreq scaling driver, which has been developed by several mobile software/hardware companies...

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Monday 26 October 2015

This 46-gigapixel image is the biggest map of space ever made

Astronomers at Germany's Ruhr-Universitat Bochum have unveiled the largest space map ever compiled on Friday. The image is composited from some 268 individual shots captured over the past five years and spans a staggering 46 billion pixels. That's 855,000 by 54,000 pixels. "If you would want to display this in full resolution on full HD TV screens, you would need more than 22,000 screens," Moritz Hackstein, a PhD candidate who conducted the survey as part of his thesis, told CBS News.

Via: CBS News

Source: Ruhr-Universitat Bochum

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Mimic, the Evil Script That Will Drive Programmers To Insanity

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Guide To Using WebP Images Today: A Case Study

ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points

Nicolas Bevacqua summarises everything ES6 with an invaluable list of each new feature and links to find more info about them:

My ES6 in Depth series consists of 24 articles covering most syntax changes and features coming in ES6. This article aims to summarize all of those, providing you with practical insight into most of ES6, so that you can quickly get started. I’ve also linked to the articles in ES6 in Depth so that you can easily go deeper …

ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points is a post from CSS-Tricks

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Wednesday 21 October 2015

F1 | Preview GP USA 2015. Hamilton è il vero conquistadores

[ Preview ] 21 ottobre 2015 – Nella serata italiana di domenica si correrà ad Austin, in Texas, la 37° edizione del Gran Premio degli Stati Uniti. Sono però ben 54 i gran premi fin qui corsi in terra americana, con le denominazioni più disparate: Gran Premio di Dallas, del Caesar Palace, degli Stati Uniti dell’Est […]

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Intel Develops Linux 'Software GPU' That's ~29-51x Faster

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Great Scott! Microsoft celebrates Back to the Future day with a cool hidden Easter egg

Today, as you’ll no doubt be aware, is the day that Marty McFly travels to in Back to the Future II. We might not have proper (fully working) hover boards, flying cars or pizza hydrators in this version of 2015, but we do have a lot of technology that would have seemed very futuristic to someone visiting from the 1980s. Microsoft believes that the future is precisely on schedule and is celebrating Back to the Future day with a cool Easter egg on its website. Here’s how to find it. Firstly go to Microsoft’s site here. Nothing out of the… [Continue Reading]

Read the full article here by BetaNews

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Asteroide mancherà la Terra di circa 500.000 km il 31/10; scoperto solo 10 giorni fa

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Nexus 5X first-impressions review

The question everyone should ask about Google-branded, LG-manufactured Nexus 5X: Who is it for? My first-impressions review primarily focuses on the answer. My wife is one person, and I am surprised. Because conceptually she steps down from the Motorola Droid Turbo, which by raw specs is the superior mobile. Budget buyers also should consider the 5X or anyone living the Google lifestyle or wanting stock Android. The new handset course corrects last year's release blunder, when Google sized up to 6-inch screen with the Nexus 6, leaving many satisfied N5 owners in stunned silence followed by loud complaint. While a… [Continue Reading]

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Microsoft Publishes Early OpenSSH For Windows Code

As the next step after announcing their intentions to support SSH on Windows and making a sizable donation to OpenBSD/OpenSSH, Microsoft has now released early code for implementing OpenSSH on Windows within PowerShell...

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Why Starting a Kickstarter Could Kick Your Butt

So you’ve come up with a great idea and now you’re thinking about starting a crowdfunding campaign – and why not, all the cool kids are doing it. Now, let’s say you already have a working prototype, or maybe you even built a small run for friends online. You’ve made 10 here, or 20 there. Sure it took some time, but making 1000, or 10,000 would be so much easier once you get all the orders in, right? Wrong.

Before you even think of setting up something like a Kickstarter, we would like to invite you to have a seat …read more

Read the full article here by Hackaday

Friday 16 October 2015

Nora, The Smart Snoring Solution

Nora, a Kickstarter project, hopes to help you curb your snoring  . The Nora system consists of a smooth "pebble-shaped" wireless mic that sits on your bedside table, a mini pump that's located beneath the bed, and a hose-connected flat rectangular padded bladder that's inserted between your pillow and pillow case. When the mic detects the sound of snoring, it activates the pump. It, in turn, quietly inflates the bladder. This causes your head to subtly change position, which stimulates and thus tightens your upper throat muscles – it is these muscles that typically cause snoring when they relax, collapse and constrict your airways.  As a result of those muscles firming back up, you reportedly stop snoring, without awakening.  "Nora is sleek pebble-shaped device that sits on the bedside table and listens for snoring sounds. Once it detects the sound, Nora stops the snoring by slightly moving your head through a padded pillow insert that sits under your pillow."To get one, you’ll have to pledge $179 to the company’s Kickstarter, and expect to receive your product in May 2016...(Read...)

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Mattermost – Open Source Slack Alternative

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Mattermost is an open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative that offers modern communication from behind your firewall. We built it so users have a practical option for avoiding lock-in from proprietary SaaS services. Mattermost is designed to be Slack-compatible (but not Slack-limited). That means we help users move over from Slack, but without limiting Mattermost to another […]

The post Mattermost – Open Source Slack Alternative appeared first on WebAppers.


Professional Web Icons for Your Websites and Applications

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Thursday 15 October 2015

BMW 365-HP M2

BMW unveiled the 365 HP M2, the car features a  365-hp, 3.0L six-cylinder with BMW's TwinPower turbo system, from 0-60 in just 4.2 seconds. Other features include an Active M differential, Nurburgring-tested high performance brakes, integrated launch control, a race-ready M Dynamic mode, and there's even a GoPro app that lets you record your laps when connected to a camera...(Read...)

Read the full article here by Likecool

Absurd Creature of the Week’s Cutest Critters Ever

Absurd Creature of the Week’s Cutest Critters Ever

We're revisiting our favorite critters, from the deeply unsettling to the funny-looking to the cutest darn things you've ever seen.

The post Absurd Creature of the Week’s Cutest Critters Ever appeared first on WIRED.

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Rally Driver Plays DiRT Rally

Something tells me that, if the roles were reversed (gamer driving a rally car), the results would not be as spectacular as this. Comments

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Wednesday 14 October 2015

How SUSE Linux Makes Use Of Btrfs Rollbacks

Besides Oracle Linux, OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server were among the first tier-one Linux distributions really backing the Btrfs file-system. SUSE has liked Btrfs for years and at last week's LinuxCon Europe 2015 in Dublin there was a presentation on their use of Btrfs with handling system rollbacks...

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Uber's latest service delivers just about anything in minutes


Those rumors of Uber launching a general-purpose delivery service, rather than the niche options it had before? They're true. Meet UberRush, an option that lets you order most anything from local shops and get it in a matter of minutes. Theoretically, this eliminates the need to run out whenever you need something -- you just ask a courier to do it for you. Stores have to sign up for this to work (and use a common online shopping platform like ChowNow or Shopify), but there are already "hundreds" of them ready to go. The main catch? Right now, UberRush is only available in Chicago, New York City and San Francisco. You may have to wait longer before these rapid-fire deliveries are available in other cities and countries.

Source: Uber Newsroom

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SQLite 3.9 Adds The JSON1 Extension Module, FTS5

SQLite 3.9.0 was released today as a significant step forward for this widely-used, self-contained database engine...

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“USB Killer” flash drive can fry your computer’s innards in seconds

Booby-trapped USB stick delivers 220-volt charge to attached computer.

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Getting (the Right) Stuff Done

A key role of product management (PM), whether as the product-focused founder (CEO, CTO) or the PM leader, is making sure product development efforts are focused. But what does it mean to be focused? This isn’t always as clear as it could be for a team. While everyone loves focus, there’s an equal love for agility, […]

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Tuesday 13 October 2015

Ferrari F12tdf, omaggio al Tour de France

Una serie speciale con la potenza di una Formula 1: 780 Cv. La casa di Maranello stupisce ancora: costa 350 mila euro e scatta da 0 a 100 in 2,9 secondi - FOTO

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Saturday 10 October 2015

Stephen Hawking: 'The real risk with AI isn't malice but competence'


Artificial intelligence was one of the biggest topics during Stephen Hawking's Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) earlier this year. So it's not too surprising that Hawking used up a significant portion of his answers to that Q&A session, released by Reddit yesterday, by clarifying his stance on dangerous artificial intelligence. "The real risk with AI isn't malice but competence," he wrote to a teacher who's tired of having the "The Terminator Conversation" with his students -- that is, explaining away the notion that evil, killer robots will be the main danger with AI. "A superintelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren't aligned with ours, we're in trouble." Hawking previously warned that AI could "spell the end of the human race," and he also joined Elon Musk and other notable technologists to call for a ban on autonomous weapons.

While it's a bit less exciting than robots bent on destroying humanity, Hawking's reasoning is no less worrisome. The idea that the equivalent of an AI software bug could eventually have world-changing implications isn't exactly reassuring.

"You're probably not an evil ant-hater who steps on ants out of malice, but if you're in charge of a hydroelectric green energy project and there's an anthill in the region to be flooded, too bad for the ants," Hawking added. "Let's not place humanity in the position of those ants."

Responding to another question about when AI will reach human levels of intelligence, Hawking stressed that we don't really know when that will happen. But, he noted, "When it eventually does occur, it's likely to be either the best or worst thing ever to happen to humanity, so there's huge value in getting it right." To that end, he calls for being more careful about how we develop AI. Rather than just exploring "pure undirected artificial intelligence," we should instead be focusing on creating "beneficial intelligence."

Hawking also noted that an evolved AI will be able to have drives or goals similar to living organisms. But where living creatures focus on surviving and reproducing, he notes that AI could be driven to collect more resources to fulfill its goals, citing scientist Steve Omohundro. And once again, that could spell trouble if it's taking away resources for humans.

Pointing to a slightly more pressing issue, one Redditor asked Hawking about his thoughts on technological unemployment -- especially around the idea that we might one day reach a point where most tasks are automated, and most humans are out of work. Hawking described commonly-discussed scenarios: One where most people can live a slightly more luxurious life, if the resources produced by the machines are shared. And another where most people end up "miserably poor" and the rich people who own those machines end up consolidating wealth. At this point, Hawking sees things trending towards the second reality.

On the lighter end of things, we also learned that Hawking's favorite movie is Truffaut's Jules and Jim, and that he somehow finds The Big Bang Theory funny. Perhaps the funniest takeaway: When one Redditor asked if Hawking remembered briefly watching Wayne's World 2 at a Cambridge video store, Hawking replied with a resounding, "NO."

[Photo credit: Desiree Martin/AFP/Getty Images]

Source: Reddit

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Thursday 8 October 2015

This is why so many people have an opinion about design

Register now for OSCON EU, October 26 to 28, 2015, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where Tom Greever will present the session “Articulating design decisions.” The more that I talk to people about what it means to explain design, the more …

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Monday 5 October 2015

Create 'Gran Turismo 6' race tracks on your tablet

'Gran Turismo 6' Track Path Editor

For ages, Polyphony Digital has been promising a Gran Turismo 6 track editor that lets you build the race course of your dreams. Well, it's finally here... if not quite in the form you might have expected. Download the Track Path Editor app for Android and iOS and you can design circuits for the PlayStation 3 sim on your tablet. It's not so detailed that you'll recreate every nuance of your local raceway, but you can trace paths with your finger, choose themes and add scenery. Think of it as a way to extend the life of GT6 beyond the occasional new concept car -- you don't have to settle for driving on Autumn Ring or Brands Hatch for the hundredth time.

Source: Gran Turismo, Google Play, App Store

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Legal Loophole Offers Volkswagen Criminal Immunity

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Saturday 3 October 2015

RapidDisk / RapidCache 3.4 now available.

RapidDisk is an advanced Linux RAM Disk which consists of a collection of modules and an administration tool. Features include: Dynamically allocate RAM as block device. Use them as stand alone disk drives or even map them as caching nodes to slower local disk drives.

I pushed 3.4 into the mainline earlier this morning. Changes include:

Read the full article here by Tux Machines

Friday 2 October 2015

Havok Acquired By Microsoft

According to this press release, Microsoft has purchased Havok from Intel. Thanks to Mike Lafser for the link. Today, we are proud to announce that Microsoft has acquired Havok, the leading provider of 3D physics, from Intel. As we welcome Havok to the Microsoft family, we will continue to work with developers to create great games experiences, and continue to license Havok's development tools to third party partners. We believe that Havok is a fantastic addition to Microsoft's existing tools and platform components for developers, including DirectX 12, Visual Studio, and Microsoft Azure. Comments

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Amazon flings open source Elasticsearch at Big Data's cloud

Amazon is rolling out open-source Elasticsearch for consumers of its mega cloud.

The giant has launched Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES), adding another NoSQL-based big-data analytics and query option.

The idea is to let you load, process and analyse unstructured data.

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3D-printed, eye-tracking top reacts and contorts to creepy stares

The ultimate defense against the wandering eye: this 3D-printed design project reacts to anyone that's looking, thanks to a built-in camera and some facial tracking algorithms. Architect and designer Behnaz Farahi fashioned a top out of plastic, monochromatic spikes: these then undulate depending on what the camera picks up... and where you're looking. Yes, you. The project is the latest 3D-printed collaboration between Farahi, Pier 9 and Autodesk. As you'll see in the video after the break, there's a creepy degree of organic movement to the spikes — it looks like the clothing is almost breathing, ironically making you want to stare at it even more. Sorry.

Via: The Creators' Project

Source: Behnaz Farahi

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How Someone Acquired the Domain Name For a Single Minute

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