Monday 27 March 2017

Google Is Giving Away a Free Android App Every Week

Apple has been offering a “Free App of the Week” for several years, giving away hundreds of apps during that time. Now, Google is following suit, with its own “Free App of the Week” for Android users. Google hasn’t formally announced this new offering, but it’s definitely a thing.

There are countless free apps available on Google PlayThe Best Android Apps The Best Android Apps Looking for the best apps for your Android phone or tablet? This is our comprehensive, hand-picked list of the best apps for Android. Read More . Some are not even worth their $FREE price tag, while others easily justify being paid apps. What’s better than a free Android app? A paid Android app that’s free for a limited time as Google’s new “Free App of the Week,” of course.

Get a Paid App Free for a Limited Time

Google’s “Free App of the Week” is a new section on Google Play promoting a paid app which is free for a limited time. The “Free App of the Week” is located on the Apps page of the Play Store, but you can also reach it directly using this link. That is if you’re in the United States.

According to VentureBeat, Ultimate Guitar Tabs & Chords was given away free last week, but has now reverted to its usual price of $2.99. This week, Card Wars — Adventure Time is being given away for free, but should revert back to its usual price of $2.99 at the end of this week.

Google has actually run a “Free App of the Week” promotion previously in 2015. However, for whatever reason, that effort didn’t last long. This new attempt at mimicking Apple should hopefully survive a little longer, but don’t blame us if the link suddenly stops working.

Everyone’s a Winner, Except Possibly Apple

This is a smart play on Google’s part. Android users4 Tips & Tricks Every Android User Needs to Know 4 Tips & Tricks Every Android User Needs to Know Using Android can be intimidating, but don't be afraid! If you're an Android beginner, up your knowledge with these tips. Read More get a free app every week, developers get enviable promotion on the Play Store, and Google gets to up the number of downloads. OK, so Apple did this first, but the best ideas are worth copying, as Apple itself knows all too well.

Do you own an Android? Do you regularly scour Google Play for apps? Do you only download free apps or do you sometimes purchase paid apps? Are you likely to download Google’s “Free App of the Week” regardless of the app? Please let us know in the comments below!

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