Thursday 22 March 2018

Linux Foundation Announces OpenBMC Project To Create Open-Source BMC Firmware

Last week Intel

announced their open-source sound firmware project

while the latest project in the open-source realm comes via the Linux Foundation with the launch of OpenBMC.

The Linux Foundation is backing the OpenBMC project community with a goal of creating an open-source baseboard management controller (BMC) firmware stack that can be used across motherboards and computing environments.

IBM is contributing the initial code for OpenBMC and among the other organizations getting behind this initiative are Google, Facebook, Intel, and Microsoft. Among the reasons for working on OpenBMC are growing cloud deployments making conventional BMC software less practical. Having an open-source BMC software stack can also improve the security of the system as well as offering new configuration and monitoring potential.

The OpenBMC project should be appearing shortly at


Read the full article here by Phoronix

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